Elements of an Effective Course Outline
Expectations for Student Behavior The inclusion of these passages severs three purposes: It ensures that students are informed on these issues, which cannot be assumed otherwise, given the wide variation in high school preparation, students transferring from other contexts or cultures, and the variation in the enforcement of these ideals by one's colleagues; it eliminates the "I didn't know" defence by students in violation of these policies; and research shows that students are more likely to conform to the highest standards of academic integrity when the instructor indicates that these issues matter to him or her (by including them in the course outline and referring to them in class). Where instructors wish to make use of an approved plagiarism detection service, the course outline should include an appropriate notice, such as: "The University of Lethbridge subscribes to [name of authorized service such as Turnitin.com], a plagiarism detection service. Student work submitted for credit in this course may be submitted to this system to verify its originality." [Note that there are significant ethical and legal issues which have yet to be resolved in the use of these services.] |