I'm an 'A' Student But You Only Gave Me a 'C' Addressing Student Misconceptions of the Grading Process |
About the Author![]() Robert Runté, Ph.D. |
Dr. Runté took early retirement from the Faculty of Education at the University of Lethbridge to become a full-time editor. (Editing books is like having really good graduate students.) He taught courses in authentic assessment and test design. Before becoming a professor, he was a Test Development Specialist with the Student Evaluation Branch of Alberta Education, responsible for the Grade 3, 6 and 9 Social Studies Achievement Tests.
This site was initiated by Dr. Runté in support of his Educ 3604 course module on Student Assessement and to assist instructors everywhere in marking more efficiently and effectively, and to improve the quality of feedback students receive.
Other Dr. Runté Websites of possible interest are:
Page last updated April, 2017.
Comments, suggestions, and questions on Student-Oriented Grading website are always welcome. Send email to Runte@uleth.ca If you would like a reply, please be patient... I am frequently away, or otherwise fall behind in my email. But I will try to answer when I can.
Selected Publications Runté, Mary and Robert Runté. "Excellence for what? Policy Development and the Discourse of the Purpose of Higher Education" in Global Perspectives on Teaching Excellence: A New Era for Higher Education, C. Broughan, L. Clouder, G. Steventon, eds. Routledge. Chapter 6. [in press, 2017]. Runté, Mary and Robert Runté. "The Rhetoric of Higher Education Reform: The Changing Discourse of the Purpose of Higher Education" in Handbook of Research on Administration, Policy, and Leadership in Higher Education, Siran Mukerji and Purnendu Tripathi, eds. IGI Global, 2017, pp. 532-548. Runté, Robert. "Foreword" in Colin Scheyen, Beyond Media Literacy: New Paradigms in New Media. Five Rivers Publishing, 2015. Runté, Robert. "Models, Elites, and Trends in Higher Education in Alberta, 1935-2010" Canadian History of Education Association/l'Association canadienne d'historie de l'education, Toronto, Oct. 21-24, 2010. Runté Robert. "The Assurance of Learning" Keynote Address, International Business and Economics Research Conference, Los Angeles, June 5, 2010.
Runté, Robert and Mary Runté. "Taylor-Made for Teachers: Deskilling Through Increased Competencies" International Journal of Humanization of Education, #1 (2007). Runté, Robert "Designing Assessment for Active Learning" Keynote Address, Active Learning Symposium, York University, Feb 16, 2004; reprinted in CORE, Vol. 13 Number 3 (April 2004) Center for Support of Teaching and Learning, York University.
Runté, Robert, Dawn Bazely and Matthew Clark "Case studies in evaluation and assessment" Active Learning Symposium, York University, Feb 16, 2004. Runté, Robert. "Active Reading / Active Writing and the Web" Active Learning Symposium, York University, Feb 16, 2004. Runté, Robert. "The Impact of Centralized Examinations on Teacher Professionalism", Canadian Journal of Education, Vol. 23, no. 2 (Spring 1998) 166-181 Runté, Robert. "Is Teaching A Profession?" in Gerald Taylor and Robert Runté, eds. Thinking About Teaching: An Introduction. Toronto: Harcourt Brace, 1995.
Runté, Robert. "Social Studies Assessment in Alberta". History and Social Science Teacher, 1984, Vol. 20, no. 1 pp. 1-8. Runté, Robert, "I'm an 'A' student but you only gave me a 'C': Addressing Student Misconceptions of the Grading Process" Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education annual conference, June 13-15, 2002 (McMaster University, Hamilton). Runté, Robert and Mary Runté. "Assessing Inquiry-Based Learning With Objective Tests", Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education annual conference, June 13-15, 2002 (McMaster University, Hamilton) Runté, Robert. "Managing Assessment in Inquiry-Driven Courses", 3 hour pre-conference workshop (June 12) Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education annual conference, June 13-15, 2002 (McMaster University, Hamilton) Runté, Robert, "Developing and Assessing Web Page Assignments In Regular Classes" Dalhousie Conference on University Teaching and Learning, May 9, 2002 Runté, Robert, "Setting & Grading Web Page Assignments: Some Practical Considerations", Alberta Online Learning Symposium, Edmonton, October, 2001. Runté, Robert, "Basic Dos and Don'ts of Multiple-Choice Examinations", Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 2001 Conference, , St John, NFLD., June 2001. Runté, Robert, "I'm an 'A' Student, But You Only Gave Me a 'C': Addressing Student Misconceptions of the Grading Process" Dalhousie Conference on University Teaching and Learning, May 1-4, 2001. Runté, Mary and Robert Runté "Disability and Assessment: Equal vs. Equitable Evaluation" Dalhousie Conference on University Teaching and Learning, May 1-4, 2001. Runté, Robert, "Feedback They Can Use: Understanding the Undergraduate's Frame of Reference" Society for Teaching and Learning, Brock University, June 14-17, 2000 Runté, Mary and Runté, Robert, "Disability in the University Classroom: Equal vs. Equitable Evaluation", Society for Teaching and Learning, Mount Allison University, June 24-27,1998. Runté, Robert, "Replacing the Term Paper with a Website: Some Practical Considerations", Society for Teaching and Learning, Mount Allison University, June 24-27, 1998. Runté, Robert, "Replacing the Term Paper with a Website: Some Practical Considerations, "WestCast'97, Feb 21, 1997. For a complete list, see Dr. Runté's Vitae.